Welcome to our Department
The Department of Crop Production and Protection (formerly Plant Science) offers Bachelor of Agriculture (B. Agric.) Degree together with other Departments within the Faculty of Agriculture. The range of disciplines reflects the position that Crop Production and Protection occupies within the Agricultural sciences, as well as the wide range of career opportunities available to graduates. Many of these disciplines allow a further range of options for studies abroad or to gain work experience within the Agro-based industry, or in the Public Service.
Our teaching and research stand out above all others for the interdisciplinary interrelation of Crop Production and Protection. Scientists in the Department are involved in the teaching and conducting research in disciplines of Plant Breeding, Seed Science and Technology, Agronomy, Weed Science, Farming Systems, Crop Physiology, Horticulture, Insect Taxonomy, Insect Ecology, Insecticide Toxicology, Biological Control of Insects, Nematology, Virology, Bacteriology and Mycology. We have a diverse educational programme, including Bachelor’s degree and Postgraduate Master’s programmes (M.Sc. and M.Phil.) and Doctoral studies.
Our teaching programme is strongly supported by on-farm practical experience which ultimately prepare our students for business-oriented Agriculture. Our teaching laboratories are standard and equipped with appropriate instrumentation.
A Student Advisory System is in place to cater for specific academic needs of our students I order to help them pursue their own individual dreams and realize their potential as educated citizens.
We welcome you to our University and encourage you to take advantage of all that the Department of Crop Production and Protection has to offer. Feel free to contact the University, if we can be of any further assistance.
DR. Jelili T. Opabode - Acting Head of Department