Name: Amujoyegbe Bamidele. Julius
Qualifications: B. Agric., M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D
Status: Professor
Specialization: Agronomy/Farming Systems
Email: bamujo@oauife.edu.ng
Telephone: +2347062405804
Professor Bamidele Julius Amujoyegbe started his academic career in the Department of Crop Production and Protection (Formally Plant Science) in 1993, when he joined the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, as a Graduate Assistant. Currently a Professor of Farming System Agronomy in the Department of Crop Production and Protection since 2016. He obtained B. Agric. (Hons) in Plant Science, (1989); an M.Sc. Plant Science (Plant Breeding), (1994); M.Phil. Plant Science (Agronomy) (2001) all from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife and had his PhD in Crop Production from Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta in 2009. He enjoyed a Fellowship from MASHAV, Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation, for a Postgraduate training and capacity-building course on “Crop Production under Saline Stress” where he obtained an International Postgraduate Diploma in Crop Production, Rehovot, Israel.
He has been involved in teaching, research and Consultancy in the core area of Agronomy, with specific emphasis on Farming System. He has supervised and mentored more than 15 master students, three PhD and several undergraduate theses. Within the University, he served as Head of Department of Crop Production and Protection from 2016 to 2018, and Director of the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching and Research Farm from 2018 to 2020. He has published more than fifty publications in well-recognized local and international journals. He also served in the assessment of several colleagues in Nigerian universities and abroad. Reviewer of many local and international Journals. He is married with five children.
He has been involved in funded research involving sustainable farming Systems among small holder farmers sponsored by FORUM FOR AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH IN AFRICA (FARA), He also collaborated with IITA in several funded research for sustainable agriculture, Root Tuber Institute of Umudike on Guinea yam production and had attended several conferences at local and international level. These projects include; i) University Research Council Grant Project Title: Ethnobotany of underutilized tropical crops: kersting ground beans [Macrotyloma geocarpum [Harms] Marshal and Boundel]. ii). Spread Farmers Adoption, Production Utilization and Physiognomy 2002 – 2006. iii). He served as a Co-Researcher, IDRC/CRDI sponsored research grant. Project Title: Nigeria-Canada Vegetable Project. 2012 – 2014. iv). Co-Researcher, IDRC/CRDI sponsored research grant. Project Title: Nigeria-Canada Microveg project. 2014 to 2018. v). Principal Investigator, IITA/Humid-tropics-OAU Nigeria Action Site 2015 -2017 and vi). Principal Investigator, FARA- Humid-tropics-OAU Intervention project in 4 Nigeria Field Sites. 2015 to 2019.